When this wonderful couple asked me to make their wedding cake I was quite delighted, however, when I heard their ideas my heart sank, "Topsy turvy" they said "with a pillow and a cup with coffee coming out and all tilted and looking like it's falling down". But they wanted a serious side to their cake since their venue dictated some kind of antique feel with lots of gold and engravings, high ceilings and chandeliers.Up for a challenge and totally out of my comfort zone I agreed to work in styrofoam for the topsy turvy part of the cake and real cake for the more serious base of the cake.
Starting weeks ago with the construction was fun, how to place the pieces so that they looked like they were falling, without having them actually fall. Then came the task of covering them so that they would look good at all angles, these cakes show their bottoms (so to speak) when usually cakes are not decorated underneath these are.
We began setting up the pieces in the general formation that they would appear in taking pictures as we went so that we wouldn't forget how to put it all back together again once it was taken apart. Then came the job of applying the fondant and allowing it to dry thoroughly before reassembling the cake (to avoid all the fingermarks and dents that we could have created when trying to manipulate this if the cake had been real.

Next came the task of starting to antique the cake so that it would look like it was made 100's of years ago and was just sitting there waiting to be eaten (sounds like a Dickens novel doesn't it?) Now that the pieces were in place it was easy to pick out the parts that needed darkening and highlighting, the final cake started to take shape. Gold balls were added, but not bold bright ones, we found gold balls that looked slightly tarnished.